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KMZ-KKT-3917 Cuban



КМЗ "Кубань-ККТ-39174"

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Но поскольку Соколов сам начинал работать на ПАЗе, то конфликт с «копирайтом» замяли: всё-таки идеи рождались совместным путем задолго до его переезда в Краснодар. Просто так сложилось, что воплотить эту задумку в жизнь первыми удалось именно заводу «Кубань»... Новый автоклуб планировался как базовая модель, на основе которой предполагалось выпускать и другие спецавтомобили: автобус, автомузей, автобиблиотеку и метрологическую лабораторию. Последние два, к сожалению, так и остались только на бумаге. Спецавтобусы серии «ККТ» не получили широкого распространения, хотя завод «Кубань» обладал в то время производственной мощностью для выпуска этих машин. Просто на предприятии с большим нетерпением ждали строительства нового конвейера: в середине 80-х ЦК КПСС утвердило план реконструкции КМЗ и строительство новых цехов на выделенной территории площадью более 11 га - поэтому не спешили осваивать новую модель в старых цехах. Однако последовавшая перестройка, а за ней и развал страны не позволили осуществить задуманное: разработанный проект нового предприятия так и остался лишь проектом. Около 200 построенных по заказам министерства спецмашин, большинство из которых – голографические музеи, просто растворились на просторах СССР. Скорее всего, ни одна из них не сохранилась…

1969 and 1971 - a furore in France: from year to year at the prestigious international exhibition of Soviet coach buses PAZ "occupy almost all the prizes, left far behind foreign competitors. These forward-looking model, "ESD-Tourist", which became a sensation in the eyes of the world community, and glorify its creator - a young designer designer Sokolov, Yuri Vasilyevich, who was then working in the Design and Experimental Department of the groove. In 1972, already known in professional circles Sokolova was sent for a month in Krasnodar at the request of PKTI "Kulttehnika (former Krasnodar branch of the State Institute" Giproteatr "), who was head of the project organization to develop a special transport for the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR, and in particular for the mechanical plant "Kuban". As a result, Krasnodar trip designer turned into a permanent residence. Sokolova lured to work in "Kulttehniku, where he started with fresh vigor to work on his new project, jointly conceived as early as Paul, -," CCV-3917 ". Automobile Club this next generation's idea was to become one of the most modern domestic buses. Work to develop advanced models for the plant "Kuban" has begun already in 1972. After such a short time in 1974, a pilot workshop of the institute was ready the first prototype autoclub. From the other coaches at that time, he differed favorably with modern square shapes, a large area of glazing, recessed door handles and (which was first introduced in the domestic automobile industry!) The presence of alternate emergency exit for passengers on the left side of the body. Despite the use of GAZ-53-11, Automobile Club meets all necessary safety and comfort: a dual-circuit braking system, suspension with extra shock absorbers, a lounge with comfortable armchairs. Inside autoclub than 12 seats for passengers, which also includes the cargo compartment in the rear, which was accessible from interior or exterior, using the emergency exit doors. In this compartment was located all the necessary equipment and other equipment that was used for cultural events "in an open field ... autoclub prototype testing has shown that it fully could change on a conveyor belt is an outdated model of" Kuban-G1K. In 1978 at the "Kuban" collected a batch of several car clubs "CCV-3917", which differs somewhat from the first, but this is mainly related to decorative elements exterior and interior: swapped the bumper hole blowing the windshield, there was an emergency exit in box on the right side, add a decorative inscription "Kuban" in the front end. One of these upgraded car clubs was presented in Moscow at the All-Russian Congress of Cultural Workers. "Kuban-CCV-3917" was approved and recommended for serial production. For industrial design autoclub received an inventor's certificate of the State Committee for Inventions and discoveries for the number 8172. It later became a reason for the dispute over authorship of the design PAZ-3205, which essentially repeated the features of the Krasnodar autoclub. But since Sokolov himself began work on the groove, the conflict with the "copyright" was hushed up: after all, ideas are born by the joint long before he moved to Krasnodar. Just so happened that embody this idea into practice was the first plant was "Kuban" ... The new Automobile Club was intended as a basic model on which was supposed to manufacture, and other special-purpose vehicles: bus, avtomuzey, avtobiblioteku and metrology laboratories. The last two, unfortunately, have remained only on paper. Spetsavtobusy series "CCV" not widespread, although the plant Kuban had at the time of production capacity for the production of these machines. Just the company is eagerly waiting for the construction of a new pipeline: in the mid-80's Central Committee approved the plan for reconstruction of the IVC and construction of new shops on the selected area of more than 11 ha - so do not rush to develop a new model in the old shops. However, the subsequent restructuring, followed by a collapse of the country and not allowed to implement his plan: the project of a new company and remained only a draft. About 200 built on the orders of the Ministry of emergency vehicles, most of whom - holographic museums, simply vanished in the vast Soviet Union. Most likely, none of them did not survive ...